The Gift of Friendship; I found it at Brown Sheep
Just recently I traveled to Brown Sheep in Mitchell, Nebraska with a group of ladies I know, of course because of knitting. Some of these ladies I know because they have been my students and some I know through the Knitting Guild. Anyway it was obvious that we all love the adventure that knitting brings us because ten of us climbed into two cars and drove two and a half hours to shop in the little store that Brown Sheep has at their facility.

I was very excited, I took the day off of work even though the next week I was taking a vacation. I wanted to see the facility I had heard so much about. I am pretty certain that my very first project I ever knitted, back in high school, was made with wool that came from Brown Sheep. Even though I was so excited and knew I would have a lot of fun, I didn’t expect to feel overwhelmed with the gift of friendship that day. It was both unexpected and very perfectly expected all at the same time.

What I expected was that I would spend the day exploring Brown Sheep with a group of ladies that are fun and make me laugh. I was not the instigator of this group, and I was not the leader in charge of this group nor was I working or teaching in this group, I was just there being me without any expectations of myself or from others. However, spending the day with these ladies turned out to be one of the most fun days I have had in a long time.

Let me tell you about Brown Sheep; Brown Sheep’s yarn mill started in 1980. The farm was established over 100 years ago as a sheep farm. The facility was large, very large, bigger than I expected. I was able to go downstairs and see the equipment and was immediately impressed by the size of it. The mill was not running that day but looking around was pretty neat. I was so impressed that I cannot wait to go back on a day when they give tours. I really want to see all that equipment in action.

We went to the shipping warehouse where there were boxes and boxes of yarn in every direction you looked. I could not believe it but the staff knew where everything was in that warehouse full of yarn. I can honestly say that I have never seen that much yarn in one place at one time. I learned that Brown Sheep is one of the largest producing mills in the US and they get their fleece from Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado. They can produce over 450,000 pounds of finished yarn per year. They sell most of their fiber in the US, but have also sent yarn all over Europe, Canada, Mexico and proudly to Australia and New Zealand; the home of sheep country itself.

While we were there I watched the family in action. This is a family owned mill and they are there working it together. Multiple generations are currently running, and have in the past, run, this mill. Even the little grand-baby was there. He was showing off for us ladies with all of his cuteness and smiles. Watching this family work together reminded me that we should all make better choices and spend our money on products made in the USA. I am guilty of sticking to certain brands but I am going to be more conscious about my future choices of yarn purchases. One little note I would like to mention is that I am friends with someone who has done some designing for Brown Sheep. She knits all of her sweaters with their fiber. I have watched her wear her sweaters over and over and they all look like she has just knit them. The quality of the fiber that Brown Sheep produces is top notch. Next time you are in your local yarn store look for Brown Sheep yarn to knit your next project, or better yet, visit their facility in Nebraska.

Now back to the gift of friendship; looking around while we were at lunch and enjoying the conversation and laughter I felt a sense of belonging. It was so nice being with a group of women who are, in my opinion, very diverse, educated, and strong leaders, yet they were all enjoying the camaraderie of being together. Many of them are very funny and entertaining and tend to keep us laughing, others are quiet and reserved but somehow the love of knitting brings us together and brings out the best in each of us. No one brings up heated topics such as politics, no one is too opinionated, everyone just enjoys being together.
I find this to be true in knitting groups in general. The groups are all made up of a lot of different women. The common denominator is knitting. I am not sure if it is the calming, soothing nature of knitting or what it is that tends to bring out the best in each of us, but whatever it is, I want more of it in my life. Maybe that is why I love to teach others to knit as it spreads the gift of friendship to so many. Please share with me how knitting has touched your life. I love hearing all of your stories.
Knit with Love my Friend,

I was in that group and I totally agree with you, Paula. Although we’re all different, we all have a common interest in knitting that brings us together. It was a fun time and I’m up for doing it again whenever you’re ready! 🙂
I agree that knitting has brought the gift of friendship. Im in two different knitting groups. Sometimes it is like mental therapy you can talk about or listen to the life experiences of others with no judgement. My day is never complete without some knitting.
I am so glad you were able to join us. It was a wonderful day. Interesting, diverse group of ladies with a common interest. Thanks again for helping me choose the colors for my two bags. I’m happy I took that first color class with you. You have become a good friend and introduced me to others who have become friends. Thank you